10 November 2010


N3 hari ni mengenai sejenis buah yang baru pertama kali akak cuba.....

PHYSALIS ...... cantik & unik rupanya .... dan inilah yang menarik perhatian akak untuk mencubanya....rasanya masam2 manis.... boleh makan macam tu je ... akak juga gunakan sebagai perasa dalam homemade yoghurt .....

bermacam varieti buah ni, tapi cuma jenis je yang akak pernah cuba ....

sedikit info yang dipetik dari sini

And, what is wrong with a Physalis? There are people who never tried one or even have seen such berries! Personally I refrain to use them not only because of Hiegynic reasons but also perhaps used them too much in Australia.

Physalis peruviana (commonly known as physalis, Cape gooseberry, poha berry, ground-cherry, haranksh, golden berry, uchuva, Inca berry, uvilla, or sfivalis–which also can refer to the Amazon Grape) is a species of Physalis indigenous to South America, but grows well in Africa. It is related to the tomato, potato, and other members of the nightshade family and closely related to the tomatillo (but not to the cherry, gooseberry or Chinese gooseberry, as its various names might suggest). The fruit is a small round berry, about the size of a marble, full of small seeds. It is bright yellow when ripe, and very sweet, making it ideal for baking into pies and making jam. Another recent use is in fruit salads, combined with avocado.

Its most notable feature is the single papery pod that covers each berry. Because of the fruit’s decorative appearance, it is sometimes used in restaurants as an exotic garnish for desserts. If the fruit is left inside the husks, its shelf life at room temperature is over 30-45 days.

ini pulak pokoknya..... teringat zaman kecik2 dulu ... gi sekolah jalan kaki ... selalu jumpa pokok yang seakan-akan sama dgn pokok ni ... akak panggil pokok letup2 jer ... buah dia yang masak warna kuning-orange gitu .... selalu kutip makan ... masam2- manis ... dengan biji hitam berselaput kulit ari nipis ... bukan ada isi pun .... selaput kat biji dia tu jer yang ada sedikit rasa ...

pucuk dia pulak boleh dibuat sayur air atau masak lemak, dicampur dengan sayur2 lain...

* antara kenangan di kampung zaman kanak2.....


Chempaqa said...

salam kak ani
chemp suka cari buah letop2 nieh masa kecik2 dulu..buahnya masam2..sedappppppppppp..hiiihi

roslaini saad said...

Salam kak ani..

Baru hari ni, saya tahu pucuk letup-letup ni boleh dibuat sayur...laa dulu banyak depan rumah saya..mungkin dibawa burung benihnya...

zs said...

salam chem,

dolu2 zaman kanak2 akak-tak semewah anak2 ari ni,segala benda yg blh dimakan-mesti dirembatnya...

zs said...

salam aini,
byk tau pucuk2 tumbuhan liar yg blh kita makan...
rasanya memang burung suka makan buah letup2 ni....

Ogy said...

ya Allah..kak ani..lamanyaa tak jumpa buah letup2 ni..masa kecik2 dulu cukup gemorrrr, mengembalikan nostalgialah kak..